Analytics Services
- Google Analytics 4: creating an account
- Google Analytics 4: The main steps to set up
- Connecting Google Analytics 4 with Google Looker Studio
- Google Analytics 4 Frequently Asked Questions
- Instructions for connecting Google Analytics 4 to Google Search Console
- Monitoring Scroll Depth In Google Analytics 4 With Google Tag Manager
- How to connect Google Analytics 4 with Google Ads
- How to find and calculate conversion rates in Google Analytics 4
Google Analytics 4
Google Tag Manager
Google Looker Studio
- CAC: how to calculate the cost of customer acquisition
- ROMI: how to calculate and use in marketing
- ROI: how to calculate and use it in marketing
- ROAS: how to calculate and use it in marketing
- LTV: how to calculate and use in marketing
- ARPU: what it is, how and why to calculate it
- MQL and SQL: What are the different types of leads and how to distinguish between them
- CR: concept, formula for calculating the conversion rate
- CSI: Customer Satisfaction Index - what is it and why is it important?
Marketing Analytics
Finance Analytics
Audience Segmentation